What can I link to?
- Pages on the world wide web. This can act like 'Favourites'.
You will need to be online but you will know that downloadable files
are latest versions etc. (you could link to articles within
the NHS library for example)
- Microsoft Word documents
- PDF documents
- offline HTML pages (i.e web pages saved to your 'My AMIE
files' Folder)
- excel/access files
- PowerPoint presentations
- Image files could be stored as a single powerpoint page or a html
page could be created just containing an image file. (Create a word
document containing the image and save as web page into the 'My AMIE
files' Folder
- Email addresses. You would need a computer that allows you
to email from. Create a hyperlink to 'mailto:j.bloggs@suchandsuch.com
A separate page for each type of clinic.
- Why not organise your information according to different
clinics. Keep page 1 (index.htm) for general stuff. Say
you're involved with a specialist clinic then link to the resources
you need for this clinic from a separate page (e.g. page 2)
An AMIE resource for a clinical team or clinical Network
- You could create a similar AMIE page for each member of the team
allowing them access to the same files. This AMIE page could
be incorporated into their personal AMIE resource, kept online say
on the hospital intranet, kept online on the internet (consider
confidentiality etc) or stored on the individual hard drives of the
computers in the outpatient department
Other ways to store your AMIE resource
- on a laptop
- on a portable hard drive
- on a CD-rom (not updateable)
- on a rewritable CD (needs a CD rewriter drive to perform updates)
- on an ipod!
An online AMIE resource
As AMIE is in a web-based format there is no reason why the created
pages could not be stored online so that they are accessed via the world
wide web. Separate Web Creating software e.g. Microsoft FrontPage
could be used to upload or further develop the site
A portfolio page
Why not store your portfolio information in this format?
regularly copy the My AMIE folder to another drive in order to
maintain a backup in case of loss or theft
PowerPoint presentations for patients! Save a powerpoint file as
a 'show' and then link to it. When the hyperlink is selected the
Powerpoint file will open automatically in presentation format. No
need for scrappy diagrams on the back of x-ray request forms!! |