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Training Website Details
A website template for use in developing training scheme websites has been developed.  This template aims to make it easier for regions interested in establishing a training website by using a preexisting template based on the structure and experience of the eMITTEN website. 

If you would like further details and like to obtain a copy of the template please email Colin Dunkley using the registration form and ticking the appropriate check box.  I will then email you regarding your request.  You can get a flavour of what would be involved in using this template by looking at the  following instructions and screenshots. 


wpe1.jpg (87124 bytes)  wpe3.jpg (126671 bytes)  wpe5.jpg (89707 bytes)  wpe7.jpg (110373 bytes)

Paediatric Training Scheme Websites.  C Dunkley, M Hesseling. Archives of Diseases in Childhood; 90(Suppl II) A68-70, G171.